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How to fix a leaking roof from the inside

Identifying a leaky roof during summer could be challenging, and people do not look at how to fix a leaking roof from the inside until the rainy days of winter. Typically, this happens because, most of the time, a leak does not bother since it goes unnoticed.

However, it is understandable that having leaks in the roof cloud is a big issue, mostly during rainfall. Therefore, here you will find the ultimate guide to fixing your leaky roof.

Believe it or not, it is possible to fix a leaking roof from the inside, a roofing expert can help you. Meaning that a professional can repair or replace your roof if necessary. Therefore, it can also provide an immediate temporary solution for your leaking roof or replace it from the inside.

Step 1: Track Down The Leak Point

find the leak location

Most important is to achieve the proper solution for your roof need. No matter if you don’t own a ladder or if it is raining heavily outside, an expert will always know how to proceed in any situation. Likewise, it is essential to remember that first it can be used as a temporary repair, but the main goal is to finish up with a permanent solution for your leaking roof.

Locating the leak as the first step is a little obvious, but it is an essential step since finding the correct location of the leak can take time.

Moreover, try to follow the path of the water dripping inside your home. Always consider that water tends to go along with roof rafters, so that could be an excellent point to start looking to the precise point of the leak.

The importance of providing a path for the water to drain is that it makes an easy way to stick a nail into the hole to identify the proper location. Also, this helps to attract moisture to it and funnel it all in one direction.

This means that you must place a bucket under the area to catch the draining water. Consider the size of the bucket since it will fill quickly in most cases. This helps us to have a proper amount of time until the area dries enough to start the sealing process for the leaking area.

What can I do if I cannot find the leak?

Whenever you struggle with finding the leak’s location and causing you more work than it should give. You should know that a good practice is to use a water meter tool to find the correct place. Believe it or not, this tool provides accurate results.

With this in mind, you can check the leak indicator in the meter. As a piece of advice, reading the meter in an interval of one or two hours is recommended to know the exact leak location.

Step 2: Plug The Leak

seal the leak roof point

Doing this work by yourself is going to cause you some trouble in sealing the leak the right way. Especially in the situation we mentioned before during wet and rainy days. Know that most of the patches, if not used properly, will not hold in a wet condition.

Once you find the leak, the next step is to seal it. There are many materials you can use to do the work.

As the first step to sealing the leak, you should wait until the roof is dry to start repairing the roof. Once it is dry, put a temporary patch to stop the dripping and filtration of water.

To seal a leak, press roofing tar onto a piece of shingle or plywood. Apply it to the leaking point with a knife. Ensure the targets round the leaked patch, so it sticks firmly in place. Cover the entire leaking point and surround it with the caulking to achieve maximum results.

Remember to mark the location of the temporary patch to make it easier to find whenever you plan to fix your roof permanently.

Step 3: Examine Your Roof Patch From The Outside

Inspect your roof patch from the outside

As the final step, it doesn’t end in sealing the leak. Once the leak is closed, you should inspect the roof to make sure it is entirely closed, and your house will be out of water leakage.

Additionally, an important fact to see once you go outside is that the area must be dry. Since when you use the roof patch, it was over a dry surface, and use a scraper to spread and guarantee that the entire region is covered. Therefore, you should see it was done right.

Once the roof patch has dried, use caulking to cover the edges and any holes that appear. You can use your finger to make sure you get the caulking spread around to the entire area.

Before you come down from the roof, check to see if your work is in good order. Inspect any damage to the shingles, underlayment, or flashings, as well as any wear and tear or loose nails. Therefore, you will guarantee a long-lasting result until the rainy days end and have time to make the permanent roof repair.

Expert Roof Services | How to fix a leaking roof from the  inside

call roofing experts

Now you can see that fixing a leak could be challenging, but doing this job yourself provides temporary relief. A good practice is contacting and hiring professional roofing experts to prevent further damage to your home and unnecessary costs.

Notice that water quickly seeps into the drywall to crumble and soak the insulation when you have a roof leaking. Therefore, in this situation, you should better call roofing experts to help you out with your leak repair.

In fact, for your convenience, EA Chimney and Roofing provides professional roof services to guarantee quality and long-lasting results. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information and help with your roofing needs.